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Alberta Provincial Nominee Program

Home / Programs / Alberta Provincial Nominee Program
Real Estate Investment
Non Refundable Donation
Mix Investment
Time to get the Residency
18 - 36 Months
Time to get the Passport
After Residing 3 years in the Country
Visa Free Countries
165 Countries

Canada or the white north is a country in the northern parts of America. It has 10 provinces and 3 territories which exceed from the Atlantic to pacific and arctic from the north. Canada’s capital is Ottawa with its southern boarder being the United States. Near the boarders reside 3 metropolitan cities named Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.

Canada is one of the world’s top ten trading nations. It has been placed at top ranked immigration destinations due to its appealing features such as high job opportunities, strong economy, low unemployment rate and profitable investment options.

Alberta located in the west part of Canada, is the fourth most populous, and the fourth-largest province after Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. Alberta’s capital is Edmonton, and its largest city is Calgary. Alberta is the largest producer of crude oil and natural gas in Canada.


Requirements to be eligible to apply for Alberta Provincial Nominee Program
  • Have the skills, education and work experience to contribute to the economy of Alberta,
  • Intend to live in the province,
  • Have no medical issue which is expensive for the government,
  • Having clean Criminal Records.


Alberta Provincial Nomination Stream

 Self-employed Farmer Stream

It is an attractive stream for applicants with proven farm management skills, a business plan and financial resources for the farming enterprise in Alberta. Applicants must be able to invest a minimum of CDN $500,000 of equity in a primary production farming business in Alberta. Applicants to this stream must meet the following criteria.


Proof of farm management skills
  • Financial documentation of an existing farm business,
      • Documentation of education, training and work experience,
      • A detailed business plan for the farming enterprise that the applicant is considering in Alberta,
      • Proof that a Canadian financial institution is intending to finance the proposed farming business.

Sufficient financial resources:

  • Applicants must show a minimum net worth of CDN $500,000 or confirmation of the ability to access to a similar amount of funds.

Primary production investment:

  • Applicants must document their investment plans in a proposed business plan.


Applications representing the best opportunity for growth relevant to Alberta’s agri-food targets will be given priority.


Benefits of Alberta Provincial Program and Canada Citizenship
  • Visa – Free travel to over than 160 countries,
  • A beautiful and safe country to live,
  • Free education for Children,
  • Free Healthcare and Retirement System,
  • Guaranteed & Reliable Government,
  • Stable Political Climate,
  • Stable Financial Freedom,
  • Multicultural Country.


CBF’s high experienced specialists offer you professional help on different Investments and how to immigrate to Canada under Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). We customize the best solution for you and your family based on your specific situation and requirement. To get started please contact one of our consultants in UAE, Denmark or Canada, and we will do our utmost to guide you through your Investment and your Canada PNP process.